Orders from the Netherlands are shipped worldwide via our Postnl Express. All shipments that are sent by, are insured against theft and accidental damage. Upon receipt of shipment and written acknowledgement, this insurance coverage ceases to exist.

We process and send orders during our main service hours, Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am till 5:00 pm . The merchandise will be ready for dispatch one business day after the receipt of payment, at the latest.

Shipping will take place 2-4 business days from the date of purchase. All shipments are insured and the buyer assumes all responsibilities of claims made with the shipping carrier. Please check back with us periodically for any updates regarding our shipping policies.

Please note customers ordering outside Europe will be responsible for all import tax charges.

shipping information:

Europe: 5-7 workdays
VS 7-10 workdays



We deliver to over 120 countries all over the world. If you are looking for information on shipping options and shipping costs for a country that is not shown, please contact us at

Exchanges not possible.


As soon as we have shipped your order you will receive an email stating the DHL or UPS tracking number. You can check the status of your order one to two hours after receiving the email via the link provided.

Shipped by : POSTNL